The West Coast

On January 3rd I was picked up by Easyrider tours from my hostel to set off up the coast towards Exmouth, where I will be volunteering starting January 9th. It is a 1200km drive, so I did the tour to take my time.
The first night we drove to Kalbarri, stopping at the Pinnicals. They reminded me of the hoodoos, in that they were free standing rock formations, but the pictures about them are a little deceiving, as you can find when travelling. We stopped at a nice beach called hangover bay for lunch, but the first day was almost all driving. We ate dinner at a really great little seafood restaurant, it was all outdoors, and there was a firepit and picnic tables and good food.
The next day we drove to Denham, stopping at Kalbarri Gorge, which we hiked down. On the way up a guy dislocated his shoulder, so that was a crazy afternoon waiting for paramedics to come out to the middle of nowhere. The guys had to all help carry him out on a

The next morning we went to Monkey Mia, where although there are no monkeys there is a bay where they feed the dolphins so they come in 'like clockwork' every morning and you can wade in and pet them. Unfortunately for us they didn't show up, a volunteer said she had worked there for 16 years and that was only the second time they didn't come.

Then we did the most fabulous, wonderful, uber amazing thing I have ever done in my entire life. We went to a small ocean park, which looked like nothing when we drove up, it is run by a man and his wife who are passionate about marine life, and it is tiny. They have a lagoon with a few cod and sharks, and other fish, but they also had baby loggerhead turtles. They had ones that were a year old swimming in a tank, and I got to hold one a little bigger than a dinner plate. Then they had ones that had just hatched, and I can't even describe how I felt. I was in paradise.

We drove a little further and ate at a beautiful beach called Shell Bay

We stopped that night in Coral Bay, a tiny town of only 150 people which is where I am now. Me and really cool English girl named Lucy decided to jump off here, so we didn't leave with the tour the next morning. The Ningaloo Reef starts here and goes up past Exmouth. We went snorkling on the reef, you can just walk out into the water to it, so no boat, which made me happy. The two of us spend a really perfect lazy day, lying on the beach and going to bed early.
This morning we got up and went on a glass bottom boat tour for two hours. We stopped twice to snorkle, the first time in a place loaded with fish, and the tour guide threw food for the fish so they were swarming. He threw some right where I was and then there were hundreds of fish all around me, I was reaching out and touching tons of them, so that was a great experience. The next place we stopped there was a green sea turtle that I swam with for about 10 minutes, which was just as amazing at the first time I saw one. It was a great day, and I am really excited to leave tomorrow and get to the hostel I will be staying with the other volunteers.
Hey Kristin,
Sounds like you're having a good time. I hope your enjoying the volunteer stuff too. School is crazy for me but good to get back into a routine. Any idea where you're going to be for February? My classes finish on Feb. 3 and I have one exam on Feb. 10th. I've also gotten a blog going... and I "stole" a couple of pictures. I'd love to get some more of the ones you took on your camera. Did you say you had them posted on a website? Anyway, I'm sure we can work it out somehow. Unfortunately, class has been going from 9-5 so I haven't talked to the Steyne hotel yet. Hopefully tomorrow cause I have a day off from classes. k, well great news re: baby turtles and I'll talk to you soon.
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