Best. Christmas. Ever.

This Christmas will definately go down in the books as one of the best days. First of all, I got to spend Christmas with some very cool people -

We went grocery shopping on Christmas Eve and bought enough food for all of us to bar-b-q, 15 people in total. We bought kangaroo kaboobs, steak, prawns, salad, chips, and chicken. Later that day we stole one of the plants off the patio, took it to our room, and decorated it with dollar store christmas decortations. We put all our presents under it, it was the best tree.

The next morning 5 of us got up, had steak and eggs for breakfast, then went and opened all our presents. Santa managed to find all of us, so no one had to go without. Then, with a little work we made it down to Shelly Beach around 10 or 11am. We spent the rest of the day eating, drinking, and swimming. The sun was out and we just could not believe how blessed we were to be here. I am so grateful to all the people we met, they made it the most memorable Christmas.
This is a shot of the beach we were on called Shelly beach.

Well I am glad to hear that you are having a lovely time in Oz. i hope that your New Year's is as great as your Christmas was. Cheers and happy travels. xoxo Sal
I'm glad you're having a good time. Don't get to crazy on New Year's.
D. Hill
Hi Kristin, would you like to see my riri?
my riree is open for the viewing too if you so wish??
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