Heading to Cairns

Yesterday we did our first open water dive in Byron Bay, and I was so excited for it. I couldn't wait to get in the water, and see turtles and swim with them. This pic is our diving instructor, Thomo, who was really great. Unfortunately, I think my first dive might be my last. I got really sea sick on the boat ride out there, even though it was only 5 minutes. They told me once I got in the water I would feel fine, but I just felt worse. Going down the rope killed my ears, even though I went really slow. By then with not feeling good, even the slight current down at the bottom made me sick, and when we got back to the surface and had to float on the waves while we waited for the boat did me in, I got so sick and swalloed tons of sea water. I felt awful the rest of the day. I couldn't do the secong dive. We are heading to Carins today, where we were supposed to do two more dives, but I think I might stick to snorkling.

Not that it was all bad, it was actually really cool. This picture is the beach in Byron, an the rocks in the back ground are called Julian Rocks, and that is where the dive was, in a spot called The Nursery. I saw a sting ray the size of the roof of my car, even the divers said they'd never seen one so big. We saw all the fist from Finding Nemo, and I saw a Wobblegong shark, and a Grey Nurse shark, which other divers have told me is very rare and we are lucky to have seen it. I had to look away though, even I knew it was there I was scared to look at it. I didn't see any turtles though, but I'm sure when I get to where I am volunteering I'll see lots. So even if I never dive again, I'm glad I did it.
We have to go catch the bus now, to go to Brisbane where we catch the plane to Cairns (it feels like we never stand still!). Bye for now.
Its too bad you didn't thrill to the experience of swallowing seawater, but at least you got some good stuff - Linda said snorkelling offered almost as much fun.
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