Shambhala and Goodbye to Calgary
We just rolled in last night, after going to Sham and spending almost a week in Calgary. S

Thursday was a pretty rad day, from what I can remember. I started drinking pretty early in the morning, then spent the day drinking vodka and running with my friend Brit. Hitoshi spent some of the day in the Village building a structure shaped like a mushroom with Pat out of twigs and branches.

Not too sure what we did the rest of the night, more running

Saturday Hitoshi and I wandered around together, checked out the stages and saw some people we knew. We had a nap and Elesa, Mark and Christine came to wake us up at 11:00 pm. Hitoshi and I were wearing the Clockwork Orange costumes that nigh, which turned out really well. I had a bowler and Hitoshi had a top hat, I had a great find a Value Village for black boots, and we bought these plastic tubes filled with candy as our sticks. After we got our costumes on we all headed over to the Village to see Hoola a

Saturday during the day we checked out the vendors and mostly lazed around, we had to be well rested for the best music night of the year. Elesa came and met us at our tent and we all put on our Ewok costumes. The Village stage is called the Village because it basically looks like the Ewok village on Star Wars. There are tons of platforms in the trees and

We got to the Village just in time for Pat's (who plays as Broken English) set, which is always the musical highlight of Sham for me (I posted two clips on YouTube of him and MC Black Rose and Dirty dirty jungle with bass that vibrates your entire body. It was the only time all weekend that I braved the crowds so I could go dance right in front of the speaker. Hitoshi got on a platform and that Ewok danced like mad, and I had to take part of my costume off I was dancing so hard. After Pat's set we went on a walkabout with with some friends, and Dae and I and Hitoshi took a picture on the Bench. Dae and I have a pic of us sitting on it back in 2000 so every year I have to find it and get a picture of me on it.

We checked out some of the other stages, but as every year the Village is really the only place I want to be. The line up that night was sick, after Pat was Diesel Boy and then Hive. I danced and danced until I was too tired to dance any more, then I tried to stay awake and listen until I couldn't listen any more. Eventually I was falling asleep, so I turned in for the night.
Sunday we got up and headed down to the beach stage, where a friend had mentioned there would be people doing capoeira, which is a Brazilian martial art. Hitoshi trained for four years learning it, and although he hasn't trained at all in the past few years he is still a super ninja. I love watching him do it, it is really graceful and pretty tough at the same time. Usually there are a few people playing instruments performing a half circle, and two people enter the circle at a time. At first there was only two or three people down there, but once the music started going at least 10 or 15 people came down to play and tons more stopped by to watch.
After a while we decided to head down to the beach. It was the perfect afternoon. It was sunny and hot, and we found a shady spot by the river. The Salmo river is great, there a

That night was pretty relaxed. Since I drank 3 days worth of booze on Thursday I was totally sober, which was just fine. My friend Shamik, who is an unbelievably talented beat boxer (you can see his profile and hear him on his myspace at opened for Lorin Bassnectar. He did really great, I loved seeing him up there in front of so many people. He has been all over the place in Alberta in the past few years, and it seems like it is really paying off. When I saw him at the gas station on the way home later I asked him when he would be in Van he told me he is opening for Method Man in November, which is rad.

Monday morning Hitoshi woke me up with breakfast, then we packed the car and took one last jump in the river before we left. We drove to Calgary and got in around midnight, then slept a solid 13 hours.
So the past week we spent in Calgary, mostly hanging out with family. We went out for sushi with my mom, had a really nice dinner at my dad's, stopped by Cyries to say hi to people, went out for lunch with my friend Ginnette sitting by the river, hung out with Kuma and took her for walks, and finished packing and cleaning up the house.
On Saturday a bunch of people came over to say goodbye, it was meant to be a potluck but mostly we just chatted, drank beer and spun fire. Hitoshi and I brought out our staffs and Lindsay had fire poi and fans. I was glad everyone came over, even Sarah was in from Toronto. It was sad to say goodbye, especially to Kelsi. I was feeling pretty emotional and overwhelmed after everyone left.
The next day was hard too, we packed everything up, said goodbye to my uncle, my grama and Norm and drove to Salmon Arm. Stacey's parents Sharon and Gary live there and offered to take Kuma until we can find a place where we are allowed to have pets. I am so grateful to them for taking her, I know she will be happy and well looked after. It was still hard to say goodbye to her, I'm sick of saying goodbyes. We spent the night and then drove into Van the next afternoon.
Now we're back home, and we have 3 days to build the art car for Burning Man, build a cover for the back of the truck we are borrowing, pack and shop. So I can't believe I just spend so much time blogging, I've got work to do!