Bikes (ok, Mopeds) and BALI!
We arrived at the airport in Bali after a 4 hour flight from Hong Kong. We managed to snags seats by each other on the almost completely full flight, another bonus. As we stepped off the plane, we were hit with that thick, humid, wonderful tropical air, and I felt everything in me begin to relax. I thought that the customs ans immigration would be a nightmare, since we were at the back of an airplane filled with over 600 people, but we sailed through in less than 20 mintues.
We were met at the airport by a driver from our guest house, standing right out front with a sign for us. (Elesa looks sad, but she's just humid).
We drove through the hectic streets of Kuta, which is a huge tourist destination, mainly for young Ozzies and surfers. We knew we wouldn't want to spend time there, but at least stay to get our bearings and some much needed rest.
Our guest house was called Suji Bungalows, recommended by our friend Little Woo. It was perfect, down a small side street and away from the craziness it was like a little oasis.
Eating breakfast at the guest house restaurant.
Our little place for two nights.
We ate our first meal in Bali there, and it was pretty yummy. Much better than the dinner we had at on the strip later that night, which wasn't so good and too expensive ($15? Outrageous!).
Where are the giant shrimp like Thailand has? I will find them!
Calling Mark to tell him we miss him.
Our first full day in Bali we decided to rent mopeds and head a few kilometers north to check out Syminyak. It is were a lot of clothes are made, and there are a ton of shops selling interesting things. We drove around in circles for quite some time, but did manage to find it eventually. On one of our loops around I spotted a store that makes bags, boxes, stickers, business cards, etc. We went inside and ended up ordering business cards. So we are getting some work done ;)
We stopped at a cafe for Hitoshi to grab a snack, and then the most intense rain I've ever seen began. I'm talking sheets pouring down. Hitoshi filmed a video of it.
We stayed a while and with no signs of letting up we decided we could kill time getting a massage. Of course, that entailed going out in the rain and we were soaked to the bone in a minute. That plan abandoned, we decided to suck it up and drive the 20 minutes home.
I had pictured being in Bali driving around on our bikes in the rain, since it is rainy season after all. But I never pictured that the roads literally turn into rivers. With the rain coming up to our feet, we ploughed through, and I had to laugh. Welcome to Bali.
Once we were back at the Guest House, we dryed off and headed to eat. We had a pretty good meal, although Elesa was finding it hard to eat vegetarian. We went for a massage after, at the most ghetto place imaginable. Massage was good, but I think I'll put out the extra dollar next time for a classier joint.
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