Thursday, May 18, 2006

Home Again

Wow, I have been home for more than a month and a half now. I have to look at pictures and emails to believe I even left. I was so looking forward to my boy, my dog, my bed, my kitchen, all thoes things you think about every day you are travelling.

It was great to see Dave and Kuma, and she was only mad at me for about a day, then wouldn't leave my side. She still hasn't except when I go to work. As for the rest of it though, you get used to it again so quickly, its hard to believe you missed it so much. The day after I got home, everything felt exactly the same. I'm not sure what I expected, but I thought it should feel different somehow.

I am proud of myself, and what I did. When I left Calgary, I had no idea how I was going to do this on my own. And what I learned was, I didn't really have to. I met so many amazing people. I could be alone when I wanted to, but travelling forms such an instant bond with people that you never have to be alone if you didn't want to. I found that lots of people were so impressed that I was a girl travelling alone, they would right away invite me to join them. The world is full of amazing people! Looking back at this blog and my pictures, I know I was so blessed.

I also feel inspired to do more with my life - I feel more capable. A while after I got home, I decided that I would go to Burning Man ( this year. I wasn't sure how it would work out, but I just told myself I was going no matter what. In less than two weeks everything just fell into place! I think that instead of waiting for things to happen, I feel more impowered to make choices.

For now, I am glad to be home. This summer is shaping up to be truely amazing. My awesome friend Stacey is coming from Victoria today to stay with me, and this summer I will see her at her bachelorette, and then her wedding! I am also making it to three festivals, Motion Notion, Shambhala and Burning Man, which I believe will be a life-altering experience.

Thank you to everyone I met on my travels, and all that you taught me (which was so much more than how to speak Australian!).