Alright, You've Seen Sydney, Now Move On!

So what have I been doing the past two weeks, if I never actually made it into Sydney...a lot of time spent on the beach, hanging out with friends, sitting in the pub, on the patio at the Steyne or the Ivanho, drinking goon, singing such classics as the 'o' and the riree songs along to Alex's master guitar skills, mostly just relaxing with cool people.

We had a few barbq's, thank you to the Norwegian girls for letting us hangout at your places, especially Ingvil (I know that isn't spelt right) for feeding us great food. She let us come over to h

I went dancing a few nights, one Friday with George and TJ and some guys that George works with. We went to the Base Bar, and danced for ages. It was really fun, I have tried to go dancing here as much as I can, but it isn't too often. Here is a pic of me and George the night before my birthday. We went to Shark Bar to hear a live band and dance.

On Saturdays, we headed to Shark Bar for free champagne. I only really started drinking wine and champagne in Exmouth, and then moved onto the goon. But it seems that champagne has powers that other alcohol does not, and the first n

One day Averil took me to the larger beer gardens in the southern

One day we went to see Walk the Line at a theater that has a seating area upstairs with normal seats, and a special one downstairs where you have to pay something like $30 and you get these huge comfy recliners to sit it. Although I disagree with this separation of the have and have-nots, I got over it when we snuck downstairs and enjyoed the really comfy seats.

Even though we had such a busy schedule, Alex spent a little time showing me how to play guitar. In Exmouth Linda taught me the beginning of Redemption Song by Bob Marley, and Alex showed me Come As You Are by Nirvana. I'm not sure if my musical career is going to take off when I get home, I'll be impressed if I remember that much. But both of them were really good teachers, and besides, I just think I look good holding a guitar.


Going out in Sydney was always fun, but when ever I think of Manly,

Chris, I hope that your love of plastic will carry you through the tough times. I bet that this look on your face in the picture is the same look of unbridaled extasy that you wear all day at work.
Steve, thanks for helping me when I was homeless. When ever anyone at

Well, I guess that I am done with Sydney, and its time to move on. After I left Sydney, I came to Brisbane to stay with Nerida for a week. She was a great hostess, thank you heaps!! She rented a car on the weekend, so we could go to the Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise. It was a little cloudy, but I laid on the beach anyway, because I have just realized it's going to be a good long while before I can walk out my door and hit sand.

The next day we went to the Sunshine Coast, which had no sunshine, but the drive was beautiful. It looked like BC to me. We saw the Glass House 'Mountains' and did hang out on Coolum beach for a little while. We stopped at the side of the road to buy some seafood, and the guy said welcome to Australia and gave me a crab. So I did get to eat crab here.

And now I really have to go, cause my flight to Christchurch is in a few hours. Nerida, thanks again for the hospitality, we will party it up when you make it home this summer!
I'm feeling really sad to leave Australia, especially after working on this and thinking of all the phenomenal people that I have met, both on the east and west cost of this country. Goodbye Australia, I love you and I will see you again one day!!